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Eastern Medicine Wisdom and Healing Services
- Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, etc.
- Massage, Acupuncture, Chiropractic, etc

Doterra Essential Oils and other Earth Friendly Oils
(Coconut, Almond, Olive, Walnut, Hazelnut, Sesame, Avocado Seed, etc.)

Crystals, Herbs, Incenses, and other items for sacred altars

Earth Fabric Plant-Based Clothing, Jewelry, & Shoes (Cotton, Silk, Hemp, etc.)

Art, Crafting, and other Teaching Materials

- Hemp and recycled materials preferred

Editing, Printing, and/or Publishing Services

Graphic Design and Website Development

Music Engineering & Sound Production


- airline miles, vehicles, mechanical support

Wild Crafting/Plant Walks

Tattoo Services

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